Friday 11 September 2015

Friday 11 September KORONI to MESSINI (28 miles)

Relaxing Greek breakfast on our terrace, then we pack, pay and are on the road by 9:30. A bit of a climb out of town and then the road follows the coast. We stop for cafe freddo under a huge plane tree in a bustling market town. A small boy offers us a couple of sacks of onions, but we politely decline. The stalls are all pretty much the same:  tomatoes, aubergines, potatoes and okra. We manage to find a post office after much searching. The road continues along the coast with a plethora of road side stall holders selling nets of oranges and other locally grown produce. We can see now our destination, with Kalamata, where all the olive oil comes form, in the further distance. We take a somewhat circuitous route to GMP beach resort, which is on a huge undeveloped sandy bay, and spend the afternoon relaxing,reading and swimming. 

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