Tuesday 15 September 2015

Tuesday 15 September KALAKAHORI to ZANTE (30 miles)

We are the first to arrive down at breakfast and meet Valentina again who is very friendly and welcoming. She can speak four languages which is very impressive. We are on the road just after 9 and the dogs bark as we leave, so no change there. The rubbish collection/disposal system has clearly broken down in this part of the Peleponnese, but we are relieved when the situation seems to improve further north. The planned diversions to avoid the main road are successful today, unlike yesterday's for which I am still getting criticism, and we only rejoin what seems a busier main road than in was further south for relatively few miles. We are both relieved though when we turn off for Gastouni and have a freddo espresso at a cafe near a very busy road junction where a guy is sanding down the bar - very unrestful but amusing nonetheless! We get to Kyllini at about 12:30, buy our tickets for the 5:15 boat and spend the rest of the day on the beach, and have our last taverna lunch at a place where we are again the only English. Still reading A Little Life which is totally engrossing though at times totally horrendous. On the yellow Levante ferry for a faster crossing than on the way out. Back to ZAKYNTHOS and the Dali to complete our circular tour. "In my beginning is my end".  We enjoy our first ouzo on our balcony.
Ironically Zakynthos town feels busier than when we were here two weeks ago and indeed when we return to Ammos Taverna it is full and we have to wait for a table. It is worth it however as we have a delicious last supper including white beans, fried anchovies and lamb keflado.

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