Tuesday 8 September 2015

Tuesday 8 September: PYLOS to KORONI (27 miles)

The boot camp alarm is even earlier this morning and the water is quite choppy for our swim. We are sad to leave Pylos and admire the views of the impressive bay as we cycle up another hill south towards Methoni. We take a small detour to visit Methoni Castle, an impressive ruin near the sea surrounded by fortifications. Our guide book tells us that it dates back to Venetian times and there is a marble column and an impressive archway. The castle itself is in a magnificent settling with the sea and mountains behind. We become rather snap happy with the camera. Refuelled with a coffee and a coke we continue our journey. The temperature is rising and so is the incline. I think we are now well and truly entering the mountainous area and we cycle uphill for about 5 miles. We get the odd respectful wave from passing vehicles and, at my pace, have plenty of time to enjoy the spectacular views. The subsequent descent is lovely and we weave our way down into KORONI. It is a beautiful town perched on the hill with rustic back streets and a very untouristy feel. We eventually find our accomodation at Pelagia apartments and enjoy a refreshing shower before lunch on the seafront. Our big beers are consumed early today, together with a delicious Greek Salad, aubergine dip and rather large courgette balls! We find a shady spot on a nearby strip of sand and I catch up on a bit of sleep. We buy provisions before relaxing on our terrace with a glass of Retsina of course. We are getting anxious about our planned itinerary which involves a 25 mile hill climb on Sunday. The heat and humidity and today's hill makes us realise this could take 5 hours and may not actually be possible. We are considering other options but it is tricky. We may be here some time! A rather mediocre supper down by the water's edge before bed.

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