Saturday 12 September 2015

Saturday 12 September: MESSINI to PSARI (40 miles)

We have buffet breakfast on the hotel terrace and are on the road at 9.00am. Our route takes us initially through the fertile plains near the coast with roads lined with prickly pears. On every side there is lush vegetation with elaborate watering systems and lots of stalls selling their produce. We then start heading inland towards the mountains but it is fairly flat for the first 10 miles and I am lulled into a false sense of security. We soon start climbing and there is a head wind, of course. The scenery becomes more stunning as we reach Ancient Messini at 500 metres. Here we change out of cycling gear to explore the ruins of this Greek / Roman village. It is far more impressive than Olympia really, with very few people visiting. We see theatres, columns, arches, ancient market places and a very impressive sports stadium with track and tiered seating. Back to the village of Mavromati, perched above the ancient remains under the peak of Mount Ithone, for lunch in the taverna. Ideallic spot overlooking the valley and mountains beyond. We enjoy a small beer, Greek salad, Horta and briam before getting back into cycling gear for the second leg. This takes us down the mountain again with spectacular scenery on all sides. We wend our way through several small villages before hitting a mainer road heading west. The headwind is even stronger now and it feels a hard slog, rarely reaching over 8 miles an hour. We turn off and have a reviving coca cola in a small village called Dorio where we are served by a lady from Hertfordshire who fell in love with a Greek. Once at our destination at the foothills of yet more mountains we are met in a pick up truck and offered lifts as our accomodation is "a little way out of the village". We pile in the back together with our bikes and are taken what feels like several miles up the hillside to an idyllic set of cottages perched on the hillside. We are in the middle of nowhere with the most spectacular panoramic views from our rustic balcony. The delightful cleaner and her son who have transported us (as the owner is away) have offered to bring our supper to us later. They have left Tsipouro (a strong Greek liquor made from the grapes after they have been pressed) in the fridge so we may not be in a position to update this later!
Later: we are brought our take away of Greek salad and pork souvlaki which we devour enthusiastically inside in our little kitchen/ dining area as the temperature is definitely cooler in the mountains. Simon has found wild figs which we have as dessert - delicious. Coffee on our tranquil balcony, and a lovely old ceiling fan instead of air conditioning.

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