Wednesday 2 September 2015

Wednesday 2 September: BRISTOL to ZAKYNTHOS TOWN, ZANTE

There is an unfortunate sense of déjà vu when we awake before our alarms at 3.30am. I have barely slept. An empty motorway allows a clear run and we drop off our car with relative ease. We are relieved to find the departure lounge at Bristol Airport considerably less busy than in June and we even have time to sit down for our coffee and granola this time. I try and sleep on the flight but my travel cushion - remembered with glee at the last minute - has a puncture and deflates slowly, which I think is probably worse than having nothing at all. We arrive at the island of Zante on time and Simon asks at the Left and Lost luggage counter. whether we can leave the bike boxes there. Expecting a disinterested negative response we are amazed when they say yes and we unpack and rebuild the bikes next to the arrivals baggage carousel. Simon navigates us to ZAKYNTHOS town and we check into Dali rooms overlooking the harbour. It is very hot, much more humid that Croatia and there is a definite smell of Greece in the air. Simon is working up a good sweat. We unpack and cycle south along the coast to Agassi beach. Pretty horrific really with dozens of themed tavernas, dusty beach shops and beach hotels hogging the coastline. We eventually find a spot which has some grass and a pool which appears to be available to non residents. We bask a bit and have a swim and a read before a big beer. We now feel as though we have arrived.  Tea on our balcony. We are planning an early start tomorrow with an 8 o'clock ferry over to the Pelopponese (which will feel like 6am our time!) and then 50 miles inland up to Olympia. And I thought this was a holiday. Supper at Trip Advisor's second choice Ammas: the best fresh calamari and sardines with complimentary raki and dessert.

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