Thursday 17 September 2015

Wednesday 16 September: ZAKYNTHOS to BRISTOL

We wake with the sunrise once more but find it is too hot to sit on our balcony at 7.30am to drink our tea! We will miss this. A particularly unmemorable breakfast at the cafe below our hotel before a wander around the backstreets of Zakynthos town. This, of course, is very charming and traditionally Greek, unlike the touristy seafront. We are already sweating before we start our short cycle to the airport. Total mileage covered is 400 miles and no punctures! Amazingly we are able to retrieve our cardboard bike boxes from the Left Luggage room and we pack them up for home. All leaves pretty well on time and a 3 1/2 hour flight takes us back to Bristol and a clear run on the M5 home. It is only 15 degrees, grey and raining!
We feel very lucky to have had such a wonderful holiday and are converted Greek lovers. So many happy memories of blue seas, sandy beaches, green mountains, olives, figs, oleander and bougainvillea. Turtle nesting sites, Kingfishers, Flamingoes, and barking dogs. Greek salad, tzatziki and Horta, Briam and Beef Stifado. Mythos beer in chilled glasses, rustic white wine and metaxa.
Now to plan another trip.....

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