Monday 7 September 2015

Monday 07 September PYLOS to VOIDOKILIA via the Lagoon (20 miles)

We We're up and in the placid sea even before the sun is ready to peep over the Eastern about 7:30. Clare complains that this is a bit like the Nutters at Topsham pool, but I know she really appreciates an early dip. Refreshed and invigorated we have breakfast on the terrace. We then head off and find a superb bakery next to the fruit and veg place that has fresh figs today and large red grapes. Then up the sinuous road out of PYLOS and down to Giavala, topping 35 mph on the descent. We take a detour through the wildlife sanctuary and see flamingos! Also kingfishers....we have never seen so many in one day! The track winds its way through the reserve and we get to VOIDOKILIO at about 11 o'clock. We walk up a well worn track to Nestor's cave, with a beautiful view of the Navarino dunes and bay below. The day then slips by reading and swimming. David Mitchell's Bone Clocks still providing abundant food for thought and discussion. Back along the track through the reserve and we see even better views of the flamingos and can see them in flight, pinky wings and looking incongruously gangly as they fly. Back to our now usual stop over at Poseidon bar for a beer whilst watching the sun dipping towards the Island that runs along PYLOS bay. Then on our balcony  at the Karalis Beach hotel to sit and listen to the sea lapping the rocks below.

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